Why are Danish Boards the Least Diverse in Europe?
FROM 11 A.M. – 6 P.M.
Why are Danish Boards the Least Diverse in Europe?
The Great Danish Board Conference 2022, Tuesday the 22nd of March at 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. is held in Børssalen, Børsen, Slotsholmsgade 1, 1217 Copenhagen C.
Board Network – The Danish Professional Directors Association is proud to present the 10-year anniversary edition of the Great Danish Board Conference, which will be held on Tuesday the 22nd of March at 11 a.m. – 6 p.m. in Børssalen, Børsen, Slotsholmsgade 1, 1217 Copenhagen C.
The conference is held under the theme “Why Are Danish Boards the Least Diverse In Europe?” – where we will focus on both hard law and soft law initiatives; achievements of other countries; the role of investors and owners; the efforts of the headhunters; unconscious bias; talent pipeline, etc.
We are incredibly proud to once again be able to present a unique and experienced panel from at home and abroad.
Meet our presenters:
Merete Eldrup (chairman of the board Nykredit, University of Copenhagen, Rockwool Foundation, board member Egmont, Rambøll, Molslinjen, Kalaaliit Airports)
Lars Rasmussen (chairman of the board Lundbeck, Coloplast, Igenomix, Committee for Good Corporate Governance, board member University of Copenhagen)
Susanne Given (chairman of the board Made.com, Hush Homewear, board member Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation, Forward Partners, Trent)
Brian Mikkelsen (CEO Dansk Erhverv, chairman of the board Kraks Fond, board member ATP, PensionDanmark)
Claus Wiinblad (Equity manager / SVP, ATP)
Carine Smith Ihenacho (Chief Governance & Compliance Officer, Norges Bank Investment Management)
Erik Durhan (Head of Corporate Governance, Nordea)
Kim Baroudy (Senior Partner, McKinsey & Co)
Louise Vøttrup (Managing Partner, New Plan Partners)
Nina Nærby (Managing Partner, Leadership Advisor Group)
Tine Willumsen (CEO, Above & Beyond Group, founder The Diversity Council)
Florence Villesèche (Associate Professor, Copenhagen Business School)
Eythor Jonsson (Professor & CEO, Akademias)
Jens Harsaae (LanguageWire, Group Online, JumpStory, Plus Pack, IIH Nordic, CO-RO, Abacus Medicine)
Jakob Stengel (Founder Board Network, Managing Partner Case Rose | InterSearch)